Our Missions
To develop and offer various treatments that heal various complicated physical illnesses and restore mental stimulus to strike a health balance of life styles through the ancient India Ayurvedic system of medicine.
Promoting excellence in ayurveda treatment since 2005. Here we provide a holistic approach towards preventing and curing diseases through authentic ayurveda.
Because every human being is unique therefore Dhanvantari Ayurvedic clinic recommends customized kind of medicine for each person even if the disease is same. The customized medicines are not chosen because of symptoms or severity of the disease but the individual’s Tri Energies{Prakriti} ie constitution of the body as well as symptoms and severity of the disease.
To develop and offer various treatments that heal various complicated physical illnesses and restore mental stimulus to strike a health balance of life styles through the ancient India Ayurvedic system of medicine.
To make ayurveda a powerful medicinal tool of healing and also a lifestyle for sustainable well being.